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Russ Harris

Psychology, Self help

Dr. Russ Harris is a physician, psychotherapist, and internationally renowned trainer of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). He graduated in medicine from the University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, England, in 1989 and emigrated to Australia in 1991. Initially practicing as a GP, Harris became increasingly interested in the psychological aspects of health and wellbeing, leading to a career shift from medical practitioner to therapist.

Harris is the author of the international bestseller "The Happiness Trap," which has sold over one million copies worldwide and has been translated into more than 30 languages. He has authored numerous other influential books, including "The Confidence Gap," "ACT Made Simple," and "The Reality Slap." Since 2005, Harris has conducted over 800 two-day workshops and provided ACT training for over 80,000 health professionals.

In 2015, Harris created an ACT protocol for the World Health Organization for use in refugee camps, which has shown significant results in reducing depression and PTSD. He also wrote and designed a cartoon-based book for the WHO called "Doing What Matters In Times of Stress," which has become their most commonly downloaded mental health resource.

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