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Jack Welch

Consultant, Business executive
Management, Leadership

Jack Welch was a renowned American business executive, chemical engineer, and author. As Chairman and CEO of General Electric from 1981 to 2001, he revolutionized corporate management, increasing GE's market value from $12 billion to $410 billion. Welch earned his Ph.D. in chemical engineering from the University of Illinois and joined GE in 1960, rapidly ascending the corporate ladder. Known for his aggressive leadership style and innovative strategies, Welch implemented the "fix it, sell it, or close it" approach and popularized Six Sigma methodology. His tenure at GE earned him the title "Manager of the Century" from Fortune magazine in 1999. After retiring, Welch became a sought-after business consultant and prolific author, co-writing several bestselling books with his wife, Suzy Welch. Jack Welch passed away on March 1, 2020, at the age of 84, leaving behind a lasting legacy in the business world.

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