Bill Perkins is a renowned hedge fund manager, energy trader, and entrepreneur known for his unconventional approach to personal finance. After studying electrical engineering at the University of Iowa, Perkins began his career on Wall Street, eventually making his fortune as an energy trader in Houston, Texas. He gained prominence for reportedly generating over $1 billion for his previous firm in just five years, earning him the nickname "The Last Cowboy" from the Wall Street Journal.
Perkins is currently the CEO of BrisaMax Holdings, a consulting services firm based in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Beyond his financial expertise, he is also a film producer, high-stakes poker player, and philanthropist. His diverse experiences, from his humble beginnings earning $16,000 annually to his current success, inform his unique perspective on life and money management.
In "Die with Zero," Perkins challenges conventional wisdom about saving and retirement, advocating for a balance between building wealth and creating meaningful life experiences. His philosophy encourages readers to maximize their "net fulfillment" rather than just their net worth. When not revolutionizing financial thinking, Perkins can be found exploring the world or enjoying time with family and friends on his yacht.
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