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Adele Revella

Entrepreneur, Consultant
Marketing, Business Strategy

Adele Revella is the CEO and Founder of Buyer Persona Institute and a leading authority on buyer personas. She is the author of "Buyer Personas: How to Gain Insight into Your Customer's Expectations, Align your Marketing Strategies, and Win More Business," which was named a Top 5 Business Book by Fortune Magazine in 2015. With over three decades of experience in sales, marketing, and product management, Adele has held executive positions in tech and related industries. Her expertise was honed during her time developing and leading the benchmark product marketing course for Pragmatic Marketing, a global leader in B2B product management training.

Adele's inspiration for Buyer Persona Institute emerged from her observations of marketers struggling to understand their target audience. Her company has since worked with over 100 clients, ranging from startups to Fortune 500 companies, helping them gain deep insights into their customers' buying decisions. As a popular keynote speaker at conferences worldwide, Adele shares her knowledge and passion for effective marketing strategies.

Prior to founding Buyer Persona Institute, Adele started her career in market research with Regis McKenna, the agency that launched Apple and Intel. She now resides in the San Juan Islands in the Pacific Northwest, where she enjoys seaside living with her husband and pets

See more from Adele Revella here:

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