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Burton G. Malkiel is a renowned economist and author, best known for his influential book "A Random Walk Down Wall Street." He is the Chemical Bank Chairman's Professor of Economics, Emeritus, at Princeton University, where he has taught generations of students. Malkiel earned his B.A. and MBA from Harvard University and his Ph.D. in Economics from Princeton. His academic career spans over five decades, including roles as chairman of Princeton's Economics Department and dean of Yale School of Management


.Malkiel's expertise extends beyond academia. He served on the Council of Economic Advisers under President Gerald Ford and was a director of The Vanguard Group for 28 years


. As a prolific author, he has written numerous scholarly articles and 17 books, with "A Random Walk Down Wall Street" selling over 1.5 million copies across multiple editions


.A leading proponent of the efficient market hypothesis, Malkiel advocates for low-cost, diversified index fund investing


. His work has significantly influenced both individual and institutional investment strategies. Beyond his academic and literary pursuits, Malkiel has held board positions with several major corporations and currently serves as Chief Investment Officer at Wealthfront.

Books by: Burton G. Malkiel

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